What metadata can I include in my Xibo RSS ticker?

I have previously explained that we primarily use Xibo to display RSS feeds. In each case we pull a feed from our web site, or a content publishing platform specifically installed for staff to publish notices for transmission via our Xibo signage and other mediums.

In order to get your feeds looking just right, there are a limited number of metadata elements you can use in the feed display. I didn’t find it particularly obvious from the documentation what these were, so here are the RSS metadata elements that you can include in your Xibo RSS ticker:

  • Title
  • Date
  • Summary
  • Description
  • Link

To my knowledge, no other content metadata is catered for in the Xibo RSS ticker at the time of writing. This means you cannot, for example, include an image from the RSS feed independently (for a visual feed, for example), but can only display the image when embedded with the description.

8 Responses

  1. Adilson November 6, 2013 / 15:46

    Hello, good afternoon!

    I need help to use the Xibo.

    How do I use the rss? How do I include an rss news channel?

    Thanks to anyone who can help me.

    Thank you.

    • Chris November 6, 2013 / 18:21

      To use RSS, just open one of your screen layouts and add an empty Region. Double-click the new region to open the properties and select ‘RSS’ from the list of content choices. At the very least, paste the URL to your RSS feed in the source field and complete the other mandatory fields before saving.

      Good luck!

      • Adilson November 6, 2013 / 19:16

        Olá Chris, boa tarde!

        Fico muito grato a você por me ajudar. Estou tentando inserir um canal de notícias com imagem para digital signage no xibo, mas não consigo. Lá visualizo somente para texto. Fico muito agradecido se puder me ajudar mais uma vez.


      • Adilson November 6, 2013 / 21:16

        Hello Chris, good afternoon!

        I am very grateful to you for helping me. I’m trying to insert a news channel image for digital signage in Xibo, but I can not. There visualize text only. I really appreciate if you can help me again.

        Thank you.

        • Chris November 7, 2013 / 06:17

          If your news feed is RSS, then you will only see plain text. Xibo will show a small thumbnail image from the RSS item, but won’t display a large image. As far as I know, the only way to add large images to a display is to use the Xibo layout designer and add an ‘Image’ to one of the Regions in your layout.

          • Adilson November 7, 2013 / 13:47

            Hello Chris, good morning!

            I am grateful to you for your help. My intention was to display an RSS like this: http://www.alphasignage.com.br/exemplos-de-conteudos-terra-horizontal. There Xibo changing the system so that I can have this result? and if you have no idea how to do this.

            Once again thank you for your help.

          • Chris November 7, 2013 / 16:52

            I’ve never seen this done with Xibo, unless you edit all your content in the Xibo administration interface – but that would not be very practical and will take too long if you have to update your content every day. The only similar, simple and free system I have seen that looks like the examples you linked to is this WordPress theme. Since it’s WordPress, the content is drawn from your blog posts, so it’s simple to edit and update!


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