Digital literacy has nothing to do with naked cycling


What an amazing day! When I set off this morning, I had no idea that the workshop that the JISC Digital Literacy team had setup would be so challenging. I’ve been to many JISC ‘workshops’ before, but I think this excelled beyond that of anything prior.

It’s been a feature of the last couple of events that we start with something analogue – in other words, a paper exercise. I’m okay with that. Granted I’m not really a fan of paper resources (particularly when so many delegates have a digital interest). The best example of this analogue start was when @ronm123 and @xlearn presented a room full of delegates with some mini whiteboards and got us writing and drawing. This morning’s exercise revolved around an image of the brain. We were asked to label this with the key attributes of digital literacy that we might a learner to possess.

As the day unfolded it was very clear that learner participation here was the key. Clear and detailed instructions were provided, but there was only limited expectation for you to adhere to these, usually during specific exercises. While e introduction to the day included a reminder about silencing your mobile, no prescription was otherwise given about what technology you may use.

What a great example of classroom practice it turned out to be. Event facilitators trusting participants in their participation. Allowing participants to respect the content, but influence or veer away from it where appropriate. Technology is permitted, but with conditions attached. Reflection is encouraged at set times, usually following a specific learning activity. Participants are expected to be just that -participating and not ‘lurking’.

The literacy aspects of this event were considerable in their depth, well supported by evidence, and everyone left with a number of useful themes to follow up in their own time. I won’t write about the details here, but rather leave you with these links to the most useful resources:

JISC slides from the workshop via Helen Beetham:

JISC Digital Literacies in The Design Studio
The CoLab project at the University of Surrey
JISC Digital Literacies Pilot Materials
What do you know about your learners?

Lunch at Goodenough College I found slightly bizarre. We sat on wooden chairs at a wooden table in an overly large and somewhat grand room. Sizeable pictures of eminent people were hung around the lower walls. Gilt covered crests adorned the higher ceiling architrave, and three huge chandeliers were suspended above our heads. Conversation included naked cycling and musical abilities (or lack of in my case). A lady I had never met before played a grand piano whilst we ate as we struggled to figure out what this ‘college’ actually teaches.